Leverage Digital Ads and Emails to maximize ROI. Top-notch creative, well-crafted ad copy and strategic messaging are provided. Digital ad campaign support services can pay substantial dividends with minimal effort. We help you every step of the way.
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Once you provide us with an overview of your Pay-Per-Click Campaign we can then help create customized ads including calls-to-action, ad variations, and implement strategy.
We work with you to help educate your customers, so they better understand your Organization’s products and services by establishing a strong, unified digital presence across social media channels, including Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter and Youtube. A comprehensive campaign includes research, strategy, and deployment.
Digital Ad campaigns are customized for all required formats. This may include text ads, banners, videos, and related media. We also assist with lead conversion planning and tracking.
Social Media platforms all have different size requirements for customizing public-facing pages. We help ensure all file formats and dimensions are correct and in-line with those guidelines. Design continuity across various channels helps maintain consistency and brand awareness.
A project manager will work hand-in-hand with you and your team to manage the campaign and upload it to your Social Media accounts. We can help with guidance and strategy to optimize performance and overall results.
Setup of your accounts is only the start. After the initial foundation work is complete we create an ongoing management plan for the campaign. This includes monitoring, maintenance and periodic adjustments as needed to ensure results are maximized.
Understanding your email campaign’s goals and audience makes it simple for us to execute high-quality custom HTML emails for you. We handle all of the details of the design, from concept to final hand-off to code and development.
We conceptualize original design ideas that bring simplicity and user-friendliness to attain project goals. The design will incorporate your logo, branding, key product features, and art or photography.
A well-crafted email template gets designed and built to accommodate your campaign. Flexibility is built into the primary HTML email template to ensure replacing headlines, copy, buttons, and imagery is a snap.
We make sure no stone is left unturned. Template designs include required elements that help you tell a more compelling story. We always utilize best practices regarding mail client compatibility, mobile optimization, and ease-of-use editing capabilities.
After designing your email template, we then code and test that template on major email clients such as Gmail, Outlook, and Mac Mail. We also make sure the final email we produce is responsive and looks good on desktop, tablet, and mobile devices. Additional emails are available upon request.
According to the approved design and specifications, a Web Developer will be responsible for the coding of the HTML email. Taking into consideration mail clients, mobile-friendliness, user experience, and functionality.
A project manager will oversee the entire life of the project, from conception to live online delivery. Your manager leads the design process by working with a team of graphic designers, writers and web developers. We inform you of any tasks that need to be completed by your company or team. Then we deliver the web product you envision utilizing our seamless process.
If you need special attention please call us today at 415-264-7574 or email us at design@theagencyorange.com to set up an appointment
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